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i have the old map

because the new version was only available for 3 weeks (open beta), it'll be fully released near new years


when is the new version coming ???

this year near new years

is it in September or maybe you might say, November or December

Close to november


yeah the same here i dont get the new version or need to pay for it ?maybe only 3 week only was availble ?btw nice game 0.17 but  it suck can get the new version :(


it was only available for 3 weeks, it will be back near new years as full version


gotcha nice thank you 

(1 edit)



when i download it it just download a old 0,1.7 version does anyone have a link for det new o

it was only available for 3 weeks, it will be back near new years as full version

yeah when is it coming out

near new year

when is version 1.0.0 coming out ?

near new years


how do you download mods?


Hi S1nn3r, I have a question I have downloaded today your latest new download. The Beta 0.1.7. I also downloaded 3 weeks ago a another version that I liked a lot more. With a lot more fireworks and a another map that I can walk through.  Can you please put the downloadlink from that versions over here. I Hope you will respond. Best regards Dylan.

it was only available for 3 weeks, it will be back near new years as full version

Keeps getting better and better, amazing effects and sound so realistic !!

(1 edit)

The new "Version" is so dope! Amazing work!!!

Best game

There is no competition to this game. Pyroworks is the most realistic and best looking fireworks game out there. Good Job!

New update is amazing as always! You keep blowing my mind with this game :D

Hello, if got a question. When i startup the game en i select singleplayer everthing freezes and there is france music that came up. When my screen freezes i cant do anything what to do?

Please set your nickname on

where is the new update?


hey, i have a question. how do some people get the 0.1.8 update because i don't know how to download it.

there was a 0.1.8 for a short time but it was really unstable and crashed often so I removed it, I don't recommend installing it, but if you want to:

peeps have to be patient, this game is already good!

when comes the update mate

some time this year

i thought the update was out now but i forgot i was in turtorial xd

the game not open bruh,i download and pres left clic,he stay on loading 5 sec and nothing,HELP!

Did you extract the game?


i record a video and i post on fileshare for you

what's problem?

I see, must be something incompatible since it's just crashing on startup. Can you go to Appdata\LocalLow\DefaultCompany\Pyroworks and give me the Player.log file from there?


Alright, can you send me a crash file from this directory? /AppData/Local/Temp/DefaultCompany/Pyroworks/Crashes


hoe kan ik nou eigenlijk meer vuurwerk krijgen zoals een bigboy of benzine tanks

Benzine tanks etc zijn nog niet in de game, maar als het goed is zal dat wel komen. Maar als je vuurwerk wilt in spawnen, dan moet je op Q drukken en een categorie selecteren voor wat voor soort vuurwerk je wilt hebben.

how do i download it

Everything important is given in the description here, read that.

pls make the update soon i cant wait


I won't make it soon because I'm taking my time with it to make it as best as I can. Please be patient and I'm sure you'll love it once it comes out

when will the update come ??

as i said i don't know, some time this year

(2 edits)

ok  i was just a bit curious  btw sry for my bad english im danish and i love the game

add in the new update cat 1 firework

when there comes a new update?

Some time this year, i dont know when

when im in the fireworks menu and click on cakes for example, i cant select them or i dont know how to get them in the map, does anyone know?

Look at ground near you while spawning, it spawns where your cursor is

Can i do it on a MacBook?

Its not available yet, will be in next version (i dont know when I will release the next version, some time this year). You will need a good mac with radeon GPU though, so be aware of that.

Hi can someone help me When i playing this game evry time it crashes can some1help me? plz

You need a semi-good PC to play this game. If it crashes constantly I dont think you can do much about it

is there any new fireworks soon? love this game

There will be an update one day or another, I'm really not sure when. Once it comes out it'll be big, I hope you'll be patient along with all the other people here.

can you add nitraten? and are there mods fore this game?

There aren't mods yet. Will be in next version. More firecrackers will be added

i have a problem with walking, i cant stop walking backwards, when in load in it goes inf backwards?

Sorry for late reply. I'm rarely on here. Unplug your steering wheel or any other controllers that are connected to your PC.


no worries man thanks a lot!!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

The only problem is when i start a singleplayer sometimes the game is not loading, idk why

OS: Win 10

CPU: i5-10500h

GPU: GTX 1650

RAM: 8GB DDR4-2933Mhz



Yeah I know that... it's because my servers are overloaded and I didn't really plan for that. Next update it will be fixed, but the next update will take a few months to make - it'll be big though. For now you can switch regions in options (like to asia and back to europe) and see if it'll work. If it says "connected to network" in options, you're usually good to go.


First, thanks for the reply. And yes i switch always to europe. And the single player mode is also connected to the servers. Take your time with the update, don't stress too much, I know how time consuming it can be to program something. And I heard the game will be open source soon, is that right? And what does it have to do with the Pyroworks launcher? Will the Pyroworks Launcher "only" contain the Pyroworks versions or also the versions of S1nn3rs Pyro Game?

Greetings from Germany <3


Not sure if I'll continue the Pyroworks Launcher. Maybe some other time when I'll have more free time. For now gotta focus on the new version, but yes I'll make the game open source... just not sure when. I'll add modding for now and I'll have to think about open source. But thanks for playing it


No, not thanks to me, i thank you for this awesome game <3 Modding is  a cool thing, i like modding : )

I hope in the update come new  fireworks :D

And please add the "Gigant Maroon" thats a good firecracker ; )

I will support you soon about itch or something like that : )

LG <3


S1nn3r look at this shell xD :


And the shell directly exploded xD


Absolute good game! Absolutely love it <3

Greetings from Germany : )


nice game, good graphics👍

fun to play.


thanks a lot, appreciate it

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